is a vibrant Asiatic lily that stands out with its stunning orange blooms, perfect for cut flower arrangements. With a crop time of 11-12 weeks, it produces medium-sized flowers that showcase a rich, warm orange color. The stem length ranges from 100-120 cm, making it an ideal choice for tall floral displays or bouquets. Tresor is known for its strong, yet medium fragrance, adding a delightful scent to any arrangement.
The plant growth is medium, making it easy to manage while still achieving impressive results. Pollen is present, further enhancing the lily's natural beauty. Whether for professional florists or home gardeners, Tresor offers both beauty and longevity, making it a sought-after option for creating stunning floral pieces. This versatile lily is a treasure in any collection.
Variety | Tresor |
Color | Orange |
Flower size | Medium |
Subgroup | Asiatic hybrid |
Flowers per bulb size | 10-12 2-3 12-14 2-4 14-16 4-7 16-18 5-8 18-20 5-9 20-22 6-9 22-24 6-10 24-26 7+ |
Production time | 11 - 12 Weeks |
Stem length | ~100-120 |
Scent | Medium |
Pollen free | No |
Usage | Cut |