is a striking Asiatic lily with vibrant orange blooms, perfect for cut flower arrangements. This variety grows with medium strength, reaching a stem length of 100-120 cm, making it ideal for taller vases and decorative displays.
Its large, medium-sized flowers showcase a deep range of orange hues, adding warmth and vibrancy to any bouquet. With a medium fragrance and pollen present, Tebaldi offers both visual appeal and a subtle scent that enhances floral arrangements. The plant has a crop time of 10-11 weeks, ensuring that the blooms are ready for a long-lasting display. Known for its stunning color range, Tebaldi is an excellent choice for florists and enthusiasts seeking a bold, energetic flower with a reliable, impressive presence. Its combination of vibrant color and impressive stem length makes it a standout in any floral arrangement.
Variety | Tebaldi |
Color | Orange |
Subgroup | Asiatic hybrid |
Flowers per bulb size | 10-12 2-4 12-14 3-5 14-16 4-6 16-18 5-8 18-20 6+ 20-22 7+ |
Production time | 10 - 11 Weeks |
Stem length | ~100 |
Scent | Medium |
Pollen free | No |
Usage | Cut |