SpecificatiesTiny Diamond
Tiny Diamond
is a beautiful Asiatic lily that features a striking white core with vibrant pink edges, making it a stunning addition to any pot arrangement. With compact to medium growth, this variety reaches a height of 40 cm, making it perfect for smaller spaces or containers. Its medium-sized flowers display a unique color combination that adds both elegance and vibrancy to your display.
The lily has a medium scent that complements the visual appeal without overpowering the senses, and the pollen is present, enhancing the traditional lily experience. The plant’s crop time of 8-9 weeks means you’ll have quick and consistent blooms. Tiny Diamond is a great choice for those seeking a colorful and easy-to-maintain lily, ideal for patios, indoor pots, or small gardens. Its vibrant white and pink flowers, coupled with a subtle fragrance, offer a beautiful contrast and lasting visual interest.
Cultivar | Tiny Diamond |
Kleur | Roze, Meerkleurig, Wit |
Bloemgrootte | Medium |
Subgroep | Asiatic hybrid |
Merk | Lily Looks |
Aantal bloemen per bolmaat | 10-12 3-4 12-14 4-5 14-16 4-6 16-18 4-7 |
Productietijd | 8 - 9 Weken |
Geur | Medium |
Pollenvrij | Nee |
Gebruik | Pot |